Unable to transfer usdt trc20 any amount anywhere. And I do have $ in TRON TRX

I have checked all the chats on the topic, and there is never a resolve to anyone that has this question.
Lots of people have the same issue, no one ever resolves it. No one can? The only answer everyone gives is that you have to have a certain amount in Tron TRX So dont give me that answer. I m already aware, and I have already done that. Same issue Same error CHECK INPUTS CHECK BALANCES. Help!!


Hello @pig32let ,

To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)
  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here. Also copy and paste it in plain text)
  3. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)

Heads up! Please be informed that we will never ask for your seed phrase or money; talk to you via email, WhatsApp, Telegram, or other platforms. Be vigilant against scammers and impersonators, and report them to us immediately.


I don’t have Tron but I want to send TRC20 and it keep saying I don’t have enough Tron to pay for my charges


Hello @Francis271127
You need to have TRON as gas fees to complete transactions on the TRON blockchain.
You can buy using the app or withdraw from exchanges like Binance.

Please read this:


Whenever I want to send trx to my account in Bank. It is alarm me that your network fee isn’t enough. Why?


@Shiva2 Gas fees are essential for your transactions to be processed.


How can I do it? Because I can’t find to change or charge for Gas fee
Thank you for your reply


@Shiva2 Please read the guide above, it states the tokens and what gas is needed


Thank you so much
I have enough TRX Iin my wallet
Why they don’t take network fee from my wallet
It said the network fee is 13.88 Trx and I have 32.48 in my wallet?


@Shiva2 That should work if you try sending out.


Why doesn’t ask for trx fee when you send from an exchange but it does when sending from wallet, instead of taking usdt trc20?


@Davincez Trust wallet is a decentralized exchange wallet, which means you own custody of your crypto and Trust wallet has no control over your funds.
The app does not charge a fee but there is a network fee that will be paid to the miners hence why network fees are paid in certain tokens.

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I have the same problem as the OP. Can you help?

Trust Wallet version 11.1 (954)


I’m unable to upload the screenshots, it tells me that I can’t embed media in a post.

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@BlackRose You need TRON to be able to carry out transactions on the TRC network.
Please read these:

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Am unable to send out usdt tr20 and i have enough trx to cover the gas fee which is 27 trx and i have 51 but it still says not enough trx to cover the transaction fee please help

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@Kingdav You should check your TRX if you have it on the right chain needed for gas fee, (TRC20).

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Yes i i have about 110 TRX coin but it still says not enough and it on the right chain

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@Kingdav What is your receiving address.


Hi, the same problem (impossible to attach pictures)
I have 440 usdt. (tron)
I’d like to send 200 usdt (tron)
Estimated Network Fee 13.88 TRX
… Insufficient TRX balance for gas fee

What to do? I have more than 200 free usdt.

@igorgvr You need to deposit TRON on your wallet to cover the gas fee.
Since you’re sending on the TRC network, you’ll be charged TRON.