Unable to WalletConnect on new device

I have a new device (andriod galaxy s9 - worked previously on same model) and tried importing a wallet and making a new one. cannot walletconnect.

the 3rd time trying i saw a quick msg saying camera initialisation failed - went into permissions and all is on.

any ideas?

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Try to update your WalletConnect QR code and scan again

Have factory reset phone, downloaded another are scanner, everything is updated. Still no luck.

Did you refresh the web page with QR code?
We are currently looking into issue, if nothing helps - fix will be available in next update


I have updated, refreshed all pages and apps and tried on different device (tablet S2) same issue. great thanks

We are working on fixing this issue, will be available again in next update

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A post was split to a new topic: The camera freezes regularly