Unknown error occurred

strong textContinuing the discussion`Preformatted text(Bitcoin transaction problem - #10 by Tobi):

Hi,please I have issues with sending out funds out my wallet it keeps saying UNKNOWN Error Occurred

I send Lower rand Higher amount it keeps saying that
Please how do I get this issue fixed *


@Chase122 Please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press ā€œAboutā€, then attach it here)

  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, copy and paste it here in plain text)

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Iā€™ve been experiencing an errorā€™an unknown error occurred ā€˜while trying to send out BTc from my wallet,Iā€™ve not experienced this before ,Iā€™ll be glad if this can be solved as soon as possible

Version 10.4(846)

Hereā€™s my address :


Please I am having the same issues please how can you help me to solve this problem

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Iā€™m having similar issues here. Trying to withdraw Bitcoin from my wallet, keep saying mempool conflict code error

@Idilo55, @GGplug, @Chase122 Please check the message displayed in your wallet when you tap on Bitcoin.
The error youā€™re facing is from dust.

What is to be done from here?
Iā€™m still unable to execute transactions

@Chase122 Read what it says, itā€™s very much explanatory.

Here is my address I canā€™t send out it showing me unknown error occurred and I need my coin and I need to put coin in my account here in my address bc1q7uh9ez663u9ttngx9j9m05e89ze9g03w75wg62

Hello @Hideenoble Your wallet is empty , what are you talking about ? see the history here

I canā€™t send our I have $14 in my wallet is not allow me to send it out

Because you already did that , the transaction is pending see :

Hey guys! I got the same problem I cant send over the BTC even tho its not my max amount

@Rider12 Please read this:

The thing is i have read it but I cant lower the fee because i cant continue of the transaction. I have the same as the the first give(Chase122).

Hi did you get any help on how to send , I have 80$ but canā€™t send anything, it says the same thing error occurred. I just donā€™t understand why this is happening right now .

Iā€™m also having this issue, I have 80$ but canā€™t send from it , why? I tried to send gradually to see if anyone could be sent but I was only told I can send just 1$ out of 80$ can you imagine. I have never experienced this before since I have been using bitcoin, whenever I tried to send it says an error message pops up, I canā€™t even send 5$ from the 80$ how sad! I need the money to feed and now Iā€™m regretting using the app, if itā€™s a dust or something, will that continue for ages? While our money keep piling up in the wallet! Please the admin should give me a good response as to remove my money , I canā€™t leave my 80$ like that because of some dust or whatever, mehn I needed that money more than ever . I received from cash app btc yesterday and the charges was very low , so I wonder why on trust wallet app, someone canā€™t send out of his or her own money without stress, to send 1$ theyā€™re charging 37$ then what happens to the other money, I mean does this even make sense at all ?

@Munchkin Please read this:

Please what can I do and how can I send ahead of dust errors? I need this money to feed today and Iā€™m trying to send 50$ out from the 80$ but I get that error message then I reduce to 1$ and the charges says 37$ like wow

@Munchkin You need to either deposit some BTC and then withdraw or wait till average fee is down.