URGENT: recovery phrase not working

i have already save my recovery phrase ( account created 8 days ago ) but when i restore my multi coin wallet
an error show that invalid phrase
please help what happen with my recovery phrase


Make sure all d letters are in small letters and arrange according

100% … noted very clean and correct in my notebook

The wallet you create was a multi coin wallet right

yes … transferred eth and did 2 txid in app at 1inch exchange too

Trying updating your app…

Then reimport your wallet

Please try to update your Trust Wallet version. Thanks

Hi @ethbuzz,

Please double-check the words that you have saved. Maybe there are spaces, wrong spelling, incorrect words, etc. You can try to enter it here: BIP39 - Mnemonic Code

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I have the same issue, phrase saved correctly and being inputted correctly but import invalid can anyone help

nevermind …it has now worked after trying for the 5th time