Hey trust support.
I have an issue, last Sunday I was taking some profits (swaps) and some minutes after I got all my USDT was gone with no historic transaction .
Can someone explain or help me to find it ?
@Joegolveia Please note there isn’t a customer support here on the community. Only way to reach customer support is via support.trustwallet.com
Hey Tobi,
Man, I tried, but that support don’t give me access to a person, it’s only a guide.
In chat it’s an automatically response that gave me links to the same guide supporting above.
Hey Tobi,
Yeah I do, I already have all of transactions that I made last Sunday and the days before.
But the transaction that my USDT gone isn’t in the history, that’s whats freaking me out.
Do you need all of them ?
@Joegolveia Please check your address on the blockchain explorer first to understand what transactions occurred.
I’m searching on blockchain all transactions…
Only one that is in Stable coin doesn’t have any value.
I got the hash - 0xad56d898771c33b2763d87b8609a5aba43a3c005c405bd081f836bc959d169e2
My wallet address is - 0x60D1ac916E3f6504CfD573255f10218f66668156
Do you know how can I find that transaction or the value, bc if my money is lost (941 dol) I need to know, but if it not, I need to learn a way to have access to it again.
I know that I don’t sent this money to any account, so why and how it’s missing.
Thank you by your patience and support.
i have having same issue.
i have sent usdt to my trust wallet but the balance is not showing up.
i can see the transaction on block chain explorer and it says the usdt has arrive but it’s not showing up on trust wallet
please help.
@Harris24 You have received your USDT, if you haven’t yet please add it manually to your wallet.
Hey man, wishing my problem was the same as yours…
I didn’t sent any USDT.
They just disappeared.
Your case you just have to look for the USDT on the list of tokens and activate it.
@Tobi no man, I didn’t make any transaction In this day (Dec/9).
This day I was trying to figure out how resolve that problem and not making any transaction.
@Joegolveia It seems you have interacted with a phishing contract and gave approval for your tokens to be sent out, therefore your wallet is compromised.
I would advise you create a new wallet immediately and move your remaining assets there to avoid further loss.
Also ensure to protect yourself and wallet by not clicking unknown links or signing unknown transactions.
hey tobi thanks for helping i’ve added USDT to my wallet but still my tokens aren’t showing….
not sure what is going on as can see them on blockchain explorer, i’ve messaged privately aswell.
thanks man
@Harris24 I do not text privately, that’s an impersonator beware.
Please consider switching your internet connection then reimport or refresh your wallet.
Hello Tobi
I confirm a USDT in my wallet but it’s not showing on my total balance where I can withdraw
Hi, i transferred usdt from my tonkeeper to my trust wallet on jusdt of ton network. I followed the transaction and it says received but it doesn’t show in my balance. This is my wallet UQD16g_KwY-212mWaLS06XGJ4PwQDnilgrN9R94kgW7eVGFD