VOXEL didn't show up in Trust Wallet

I withdrew VOXEL tokens from my Binance spot wallet to my Trust Wallet yesterday. I got the confirmation as follows:

but did not receive them in Trust Wallet (It had to be through the “add a personalised token” process):

I guess I did the right thing. I also looked out the blockchain scan and everything looked ok: status appears as “success”, but nothing has arrrived.
Could anyone help me out?

Here is a screenshot of the address in Trust Wallet:

Plain text of the address: 0xC878498b0Ab20404D092A5b86716aD7AA8e24EdD
Plain text of the Txid: 0x698ec9af86ad0e7894bf841584f1748c66e4a983f22dd63cedf86f5593f6b13f
Trust Wallet version: 4.1


Hello @jcmassante
Your tokens are in your wallet although you sent it on the Polygon network.
You need to add it manually as a custom token using these details
Network: Polygon
Contract: 0xd0258a3fd00f38aa8090dfee343f10a9d4d30d3f
Decimals: 18

Great, @JennyMillan! It worked! Thank you very much for your prompt reply!