Waves platform/ waves chain tokens support

The users and economy in the waves platform is concurrently growing, and more users are looking for good software wallets such as Trust Wallet App to store their WAVES assets.

Moreover, as a WAVES chain user, I encountered several problems and testimonies where some users, especially ones that are new to the blockchain and crypto space, sent WAVES assets to their Trust Wallet app Waves address.

It would be very good to update and provide support for WAVES platform inside the Trust Wallet App.

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WAVES custom tokens are supported. In TrustWallet you need to add a custom token. Select The Waves network from the dropdown. Then from the Waves wallet you need to look at the asset information and copy the asset ID and paste this into the Contract Address field in TrustWallet. Finally, enter the name, symbol and number of decimals. These are all on the asset page in the Waves wallet.

You can now sent this token from the Waves exchange to your TrustWallet.

Hope this helps.