What Crypto trading Advice can you give a Beginner?

Crypto trading in the world of crypto can be very herculean as well as easy.
My advice would be: trade with the amount you can afford to lose!

What would be yours?


Yes trading and holding is the best for crypto lover… :100:%


Invest what is in your budget, research the ones you like, invest time in learning about crypto trading.


Always make a research about that coin or token before investing or trading on it


Don’t trade with greed or waiting for a bigger profit most especially if you aren’t sure, you might end up losing even the smallest profit


do not trad in week end or in low voluam


Cool. I actually like trading in some weekends…like today. :money_mouth_face:

Research, research and more research. Don’t take anyone’s word on what to invest in. Do your own research. Also, as has been said, only invest what you can afford to lose.

There are also a bunch of scammers out there so do not send coins/tokens, passwords/phrases or keys to anyone that claims they can help you solve an issue.

One other thing, protect your keys and pass phrases. Write them down on a piece of paper and store them somewhere secure. Not your keys, not your coins/tokens.

Also try not to be emotional when buying or selling. Don’t let hype and or fear guide you.

Good luck and happy cryptoing!


That’s a very wish idea

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Lot of thoughts in there. DYOR always.


Love your words @TheGasMan
It encourages me

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This is by far the best advice on this topic Thanks @TheGasMan.

Research is king, and when the deal is too good, think twice, pyramid schemes are by far the worst cases of crypto fraud in the www, no one will ever make your crypto double in a split second, just like any investment, the trick is in excise some sort of patience. Exchanges are custodians, in that the moment you deposit your crypto in anyone of them you are in essence giving someone power to safe keep your funds as you find an investment to trade, so make sure the exchange is trustworthy and has a track record of being safe. Binance is by far the best exchange I would recommend, but feel free to do a research.

Go get that mulla. :heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign:


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