how to distinguish these addresses
TRC 21 is a standard interface for tokens that allows token holders to pay transaction fees by the token itself.
Whereas TRC-10 is a technical token standard supported by the TRON blockchain natively.
References to TRC21 are available online:
Tomo chain is currently using and promoting this TRC21 standard and dominates information on this standard as compared to TRC10. Both can be used for creating and issuing tokens much easily as compared to TRC20.
More information should be available at Developers forum for Tron.
Kok waletnya sama ya trus ngirimya kemana
you ask because it uses the same TRX wallet. When you send the touch, it is detected that it is a token and it is reflected in your TronLink wallet or the one you use. @titamaniez
I think same but if balance not reflected how,???
You sent it to where? You must add the token, maybe that’s why it is not shown, in some cases it appears without any previous configuration.
I want to sure before do something that i regrets.
Btt on this wallet use trc10 and i cant do this because the sender use trc20, so how can do this?
When I want to send it, they tell me the network cost. trx
i need trx plz TNyqvsj4HQByzrhk5TQfw8RLkdtQ628v2F
I want to sure before do something that i regrets.
Btt on this wallet use trc10 and i cant do this because the sender use trc20, so how can do this?