What network fee am i asked to pay

Please friends i have 100USDT and wants to send but it says i have to have ETH to do that. Why?

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Please i need from anyone please this is really terrible for me , I need to get the coins out for an exchange it’s so important to me and i am stranded

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@Douglas7 The ETH being requested is for gas fees and only a little amount.
The app does not charge a fee but there is a network fee that will be paid to the miners.

Once you try and send an amount, it automatically calculates the fees.

Learn more here:

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i need help with my account i have the amount to cover network fee but its not sending its telling me to fund

@Tricksterke Check first that you have the token on the correct network.

thank you for responding to me

kindly share me your WhatsApp number so you can assist me better ill share screenshots of everything because im certain im on the correct token

@Tricksterke I do not have whatsapp neither will I initiate a chat anywhere.
You only need to check if you have the token on the right network to cover your gas fee.
If you need extra support, please contact Customer support at support.trustwallet.com

Please I want to send some usdt from my wallet but it keep saying I don’t have enough polygon matric to cover the network fees please someone should help me out

@Odogwu10 You need to deposit a small amount of Polygon Matic to cover gs fees.