When I select a token, the application disappears

What about the other device that you have mentioned? Does it crash as well?

It does not crash when installed using phrases on other devices.

To clarify, it crashes when you import the private key. If you imported a phrase, then it won’t crash.

Is that correct?

I installed it on another device with a recovery phrase and touched Send.

And if you imported a private key, it crashes?


You have mentioned earlier that you were able to import via the private key. Please use that one and import your wallet.

It was different. I used to use the recovery phrase for the installation, not the private key. The coin did not return.

I see, thank you for clarifying. Please go to the settings of the app then press “Wallets”. Take a screenshot and send it here.


Please follow the instructions that I sent earlier.

No. Not that one. Please follow this specifically.

  1. Select settings
  2. Press “Wallets”
  3. Take a screenshot
  4. Send it here.

Please let me know if there is a shortage.

Please press all of the “i” icons of the wallets. Backup the recovery phrase (for the multi-coin wallets with the Trust Wallet logo) and the private key of your Ethereum classic wallet. Save it in a safe and secure place, here are some tips: Best Practices for Storing Your Recovery Phrase. Please double-check that you saved them properly.

After doing those things, please uninstall the wallet then install it again. Import your wallets by selecting “I already have a wallet”. Then try to press and check your tokens again.

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I have saved the recovery phrase firmly. Then I deleted the application. I chose to have a wallet. Then, I entered the saved recovery phrase and installed it again. The talk has completely disappeared.


Since you have three wallets, let’s check each ETC wallet addresses.

Open this one first:

Tap the toggle sign on the upper right of the main wallet screen, search for Ethereum Classic, and enable it. You can also follow this guide: How to Add or Remove a Coin


Press Ethereum Classic, select the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot, and attach it here.

Do the same thing for the other two wallets as well.