Where to get Trust Wallet Tokens?

Trust Wallet Token is currently available in both Binance Chain as a BEP2 token and Binance Smart Chain as a BEP20 token.

How to get TWT BEP2?

Swap or Exchange on the Trust Wallet app

Access the built-in DEX to do a quick Swap of BNB to TWT or place an order on the Exchange tab in order to get some TWT.

Learn more here: How to Trade with the Built-In DEX (Swap Option)

Trade on Binance DEX

Go to Binance.org and setup your own Binance Chain wallet.

If you have a mobile wallet that supports Wallet Connect, you can use that too. Trust Wallet app works with this site as well.

Go to this URL: Binance | Dex Trading | Decentralized Exchange | Binance.org or manually look for the TWT/BNB pair on Binance DEX to trade your BNB to TWT.

How to get TWT BEP20?

Swap TWT BEP2 to BEP20

If you already have some TWT BEP2, you can follow this guide to swap them to TWT BEP20.


Exchange on Smart Chain DApps

There are some Binance Smart Chain Exchange DApps that have already listed TWT BEP20. You need to get BNB on your Smart Chain wallet. Access your DApp browser and then tap on PancakeSwap on the New DApps section. You will be immediately redirected to their Exchange where you can trade your token to TWT BEP20.

Get TWT from Centralized Exchanges

You can also acquire some TWT on several centralized exchanges. They support either BEP2, BEP20 or both. Check with the exchange first to confirm on what type of TWT token they have.
Here is a list of exchanges where you can get TWT from: