Where we found trust wallet, please

Please help me to know how we can get trust wallet and install it in our devices


trustwalletcom you can download here (put dot . between trustwallet and com)

Be careful don’t download from suspicious links… And save 12 words phrase offline (book, pen drive, notepad, diary)




Go to playstore from your device search for trust wallet to download the trust wallet application

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That’s strange :thinking: you are a trust community member and you don’t have trust wallet installed in your device. You can find it on your Google play store.

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You have Internet and also Google
Why not try to type on your Google
" Trust wallet "

I believe you can find what you want

I would advice downloading directly using the link on the official website…

From play store and install it

Trustwallet is Available both Android and IOS if your using one of those then try to Search
“TrusWallet” on Appstore or Playstore once you done downloading the App it will automatically install on your Device.