Why my balance not detect on pancake swap?

my balance not detect on pancake swap i have 20 twt but on pancake swap was zero,i am already connect my wallet but the balance still empty


This may be because You Don’t hold binance smart chain Twt tokens (Twt -Bep20)

Pancakeswap shows only Binance smart chain tokens (bsc) -bep20

First you need to convert Twt Bep2 to Bep20 token

To do this you can go through this below link :


Its because your bnb is not binance smart chain, if you want to swap it you only need sent your bnb to binance and sent back to trust wallet using binance smart chain (bsc). Make sure you added BSC on your trust wallet


You should deposit bnb smart chain…

Not bnb erc20…

Thanks for the information

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need to send bnb smart chain coin from binance exchange to trust bnb smart chain address

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