Wrong adress or swap d'ont work

Hello, I wanted to make a swap of 5.23 BNB to have BNB smart chain but I believe that by accepting the transaction fees it accepted a transfer to a pirate account which sent my bnb to several other wallets which represents hundreds of thousand dollars. Trust wallet my swap only 0.23BNB and the 5 BNB are now lost on the pirate’s other account. Please tell me that a refund is possible. This means big savings for me. I have antivirus on my phone and my passphrase is not available on me. I accepted the trade thinking it was for the swap. Below are proof of transfer etc.

My bnb adress : bnb1z9feu4dezpwtp9xlav5n8qut5nty2w82aywr26

@Wolf4200 the 5 BNB transaction was not crosschain swap transaction, it was direct transfer from your address to another address: Transaction Hash (TxHash): DFD3EFC54C341EB7E2C581C6ECDDB5CB2148F38F2B4EDEF8A1A9C9237E1539D1 | BNB Beacon Chain

Unfortunately there’s no way to cancel or reverse transaction. If it is not your action, probably your wallet is compromised. You have to create new wallet and transfer your funds to the new wallet then discard the old wallet.