You Can Now Stake Your Tezos XTZ With Trust Wallet

We are happy to announce that our Tezos staking feature has finally gone live for our mobile crypto wallet app.

You can now delegate and stake your tokens to participate in the Tezos on-chain governance. “Tezos is a leading on-chain governance and PoS protocol, and we are excited to work together to bring staking and delegating mechanisms to Trust Wallet mobile users,” says our Founder and CEO Viktor Radchenko.

Staking with Trust Wallet

Sending and receiving crypto was just the beginning, and we’d like to introduce you to staking. This gives you the ability to vote and generate an income for validating transactions. This is quite similar to how an individual receives interest for holding their money in a bank account or giving it to the bank to invest. We are working on an entirely new native solution for Trust Wallet so that you can stake all your tokens from one single interface.

We created an XTZ Staking guide for you that explains how it works Step by Step.