You dont have enough bnb to cover network fee

When i try to swap or send my ada (cardano) it shows me this message that i dont have enough bnb to cover the network fees, and now on binance i cant get it since its down. I didnt know i need bnb to use this app can you please help me how to fix it please or how to sort this problem .
This is the message i get :


I ma having the same issue, I have ETH in my account but I need to buy something that is only exchangeable with BNB, when I try to exchange my ETH to bnb , I get the same error as I don’t have enough BNB to make to cover the cost of the transaction

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Have the same issue. Just pissed off😡
I have 83BUSD. Try to swap to bnb but ain’t able, because I don’t have enough bnb for fees. How stupid it is!
Can’t buy any bnb on Binance. The minimum amount to buy bnb via Trustwallet is 50usd!!!

same problem here

if someone send me 0.5usd bnb i will back with smartchain

Buy Bnb on binance and send it over her to trust… If you buy something like vtho then sell it then buy Bnb then you can withdraw it instantly without waiting ten days

I have same issue…

If someone could send me 1$ of BSC BNB, i would return 2$ just so I can transfer my ETH.


I have the exact same issue. I have 0.404 BNB, 0.062 SmartChain BNB, I’m trying to swap from BNB to SmartChain BNB and it says I don’t have 0.004075 BNB (which I clearly have, both in BNB or SmartChain BNB). I’ve seen this question in multiple forums and no clear answer. Has anyone got this issue fixed?


I have the same Problem but with 50 busd how can I solve this? :frowning:
I only need like 0.50 cents

This is my bnb adress if someone can help me i can give it back in busd :slight_smile:


I have the same issue. Can´t do anything in my trustwallet app. Swap, Trade, Withdraw everywhere it says not enough bnb to cover network fees. Also unable to swap BNB to SCBNB which i did the first time with 0 SCBNB so i don´t understand why this not works.

I have 28 usdt but I can’t send or swap is says I don’t have enough bnb to cover network fee

I bought BnB to pay the transaction but i still see no BnB. Can someone help me?

I think trust wallet is going to be top 1 mistakes in the world my $28 is stocked I have try all the suggestions and methods it’s keep saying not Enough bnb to cover network fee stupid mistake of the year

Hello @Hendrix22 each blockchain has it’s specific coin which is needed for gas fees. USDT can’t be used to pay gas fees. Read here to know each blockchain transaction fee: Cryptocurrency Network Fees

I have the Same Problem if some one can send me 1 dollar in bnb i will give u 2 back


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