Adding Custom Token/Network

Hello guys, am a new member to the Trust Wallet community.
There are several tokens I have not been able to deposit into my Trust Wallet from Exchanges either because

  • the token NETWORK does not match that at the crypto currency Exchange or
  • I can not just find the token on Trust Wallet.
    Please could someone help me with some detailed instructions on how I can Add Custom Tokens/ Token Networks to my Trust Wallet to fit those from the exchanges? Thanks.

Hello @EmmaAlo,

We are currently supporting the following blockchains: Buy Crypto the Way You Want | Trust

Make sure you are sending only assets that are supported by Trust wallet, otherwise you will lose your funds.

Guide on how to add custom token: How to Add a Custom Token

We don’t support custom RPCs/networks yet.


Thanks, do these instructions also apply to Trust Wallet on Google Chrome-Extension?


@EmmaAlo for extension, currently non-EVM supported network is Solana only but for EVM networks, you can add any of them as custom network. Read more about extension here: Trust Wallet Browser Extension - FAQ's & How-To's