Balance aren’t displaying

My wallet is messed up too. I purchased SafePlanet and and SafeTesla and the tokens did not show up. I follow the chat idea to uninstall and then reinstall. I am positive I used the right 12 work phrase but I am getting no information back. I see there was another post that was commented on by along007. I am new to this stuff maybe a month in and could use some help please!

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Please follow the steps written in the linked article.

Thanks for all that info. I went to BscScan and see all my contracts for purchase. However when I go to add my custom token it creates but nothing shows up. I went in and set the wallet as view only using my BNB - Holder Transastion number and I am able to get all my tokens in view. But when I try to use my pass phase it does not work.
I am super new at this and apologize for my lack of knowledge! I do appreciate all the help!

Next Option?

Please check whether the address of watch wallet is same with your imported wallet or not.

I was able to find all my contracts on BSC and worked backwards on BNB. The custom wallets finally did work and displayed the tokens I was looking for. The only one I am having trouble with is SafeEarth but I had to use Uniswap for that so it is showing on Coin Wallet now.

Thank you very much for your help!


Transaction successful but funds not received in wallet safebtc

@Emeka2, check here: Issue with cryptos not received - #30 by iamdeadlyz