Balance not reflecting

Please I my Bitcoin is not reflecting in my wallet , since March 2nd , it’s been more than 2 weeks , I have checked explorer and the Bitcoin is there , how can this be resolved


@Merry5 Please update your app to the recent version.


I already have the latest app
This is a lot for me, pls do something
I’m facing this issue,
Already submitted a ticket fews day ago, but no reply ,
Submitted another one this morning, still no reply, I don’t even know if they’re receiving it.

After submitting the ticket, I was directed to another to another page to login to support but there’s no create account option

Pls HELP!!!
I need those funds Asap


I have the same issue
I have previously lost funds on this app due to similar issue, I don’t wanna lose this one cause I’m trying to pay for something online

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@Mhart You do not need to login to submit a ticket, if you see a login page, just hit the back button and submit the ticket again.


Hello everyone,
Is this a known issue ? I know TW would now show super new coins in the wallet, but i’m still having tons of issues with displaying ‘known’ coins correctly
$RIO, $Kata : not showing AT ALL
$Opsec, $ZKML, $Reach, $BasedAI : showing coin #, but not $value (0)
I DO see all these when connecting to Uniswap and i DO have the latest version of the app…??

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@Firolius The core team of those projects you mentioned may need to reach out to Trust wallet regarding this.

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Are you serious?
What about just pulling info from CMC/Coingecko based on contract address?

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@Firolius That’s why they need to reach out, it’s especially for new coins or memecoins and it’s a measure to protect Trust wallet users from being scammed or rugpulled on new tokens.

I’m having same issues
I bought bitcoins using the bitcoins machine and I’m yet to receive it for days

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@Beezy1470 Please check your address on the explorer to see if you received or not.

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The transaction isn’t showing on expoler either , I keep checking it :pensive:

Please has it shown?I am having same issues.The transaction is showing completed on the explorer but it isn’t reflecting in my bitcoin wallet.

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@Beezy1470 If it isn’t showing on the explorer, then you haven’t received it.

@beejaz Please try using the troubleshoot guide below:

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Please I have done all these and I have written tickets to the customer support yet no response.Please help me

@beejaz Please wait patiently for a response from customer support if you have submitted a ticket.

Why cant i see my balance in my wallet i need help please i see the transaction in explorer but it doesn’t show in balance

@4pf2 Please follow the troubleshoot guide below:

I’m expecting my Bitcoin since December 2022 I have not see it till now, what’s wrong?

Hello tobi… I’m having the same issues today… bitcoin is deposited to my account already but it’s not reflecting. Is it going to be sorted cos this is the first time I’m using trust wallet and something like this happened. I submitted the ticket countless times and no response… is this going to be corrected?