BNB Smart Chain in web and mobile app

Hi there!
Why do I not see the BNB Smart Chain token in the web wallet but in my mobile wallet? I tried to select the BNB (BEP20), but I can not find it in the selection. Any explanation for this?

Thanks! ODeer


@ODeer BEP20 BNB is supported on the web app of course, so also other EVM based tokens.
If you can’t find it, then you could try deleting and reinstalling the app again, just ensure you have your wallet backed up before you do.


Hi could you help me, I switched from SHR from Beacon Chain to Smart Shain but I don’t see the SHR SmartChain token or the funds in my Trustwallet wallet

@kazzadors Please check the blockchain explorer to see if you have the tokens in your wallet address then add it manually if you haven’t done so.

I swapped BNB for ETH, I realize this is bridging across networks but I’ve done it before. It says completed but my ETH didn’t show

that’s the problem in the list, SHR doesn’t show up on Smartchain, only SHR shows up on beaconchain

@kazzadors You need to add it manually using the tokens contract address if it is not shown by default.
Here’s a guide:

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