Cannot import ETH wallet using "import ETH wallet"


I have followed the steps here but I keep getting the error “Cannot import wallet ‘Invalid mnemonic phrase’ error”. I know the mnemonic phrase is right because when I use the exact same (using a QR) on a different wallet software, it imports the wallet without issues, it is only failing on Trust.

In case you are wondering, I am not using “multi-coin” wallet to do the import, I am using “ETH wallet”

What can I do?

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Hello @gugaiz,

From which wallet did you get your mnemonic phrase?

I created the wallet on metamask. As it was not working on Trust, I imported that wallet into imToken app and it is working without issues, only Trust failed to import the wallet.

Please follow this guide: Migrate from MetaMask to Trust Wallet

Hi, thanks for the link. I already did those steps before writing here, but it is not working

Have you tried entering your recovery phrase on BIP39 - Mnemonic Code (select ETH as the coin)? Is your recovery phrase recognized there?

No, but as I said it works on other wallets. Sorry, but I don’t trust putting my key on a website.

Understandable. Please check for spaces and try again. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the app as well (check the play/app stores for updates).