Cannot Retrieve Floki Tokens to my Trust Wallet


I purchased Floki tokens over 2 years ago and I was able to safely retrieve them into my trust wallet account. However, about 1.5 years ago, I lost my phone so I did a remote manual reset of my phone thru Google. I have not touched my TrustWallet ever since but I recently decided to login to check my tokens. The problem is that when logging in, it asked me for the 2 factor authentication code which I was not able to provide because I did not physically have the phone (with the 2FA) any longer. I was able to log into my account using my seeds but after doing so, the balance in my account shows ZERO for all coins.

I remember I had some BNB and Floki but none of them are showing up. I went back to review the transaction history of the address I used to convert BNB to Floki (thru Pankcake swap) and the wallet shows that I do have Floki and BNB in the wallet and no new transactions were made, the last one being by me (the wallet is a trust wallet account). I read many posts regarding Floki in this community and none of them provided a solution to my problem. I even attempted (twice on January 14th, 2024) to submit a ticket to get help but all I received was an automatic response stating that my ticket closed even though I didn’t receive a response from someone or help.
Based on the posts that I read here, I am going to provide the information regularly requested:
Trust Wallet app version - 8.10.1
Crypto wallet address - 0x3DD442ae9Dbf05135742F7cbC85B3CA4CdE5823d
Transaction hash or link - I am providing a link to the wallet which holds all of the transactions history
Further details about your issue (please explain what you were trying to do) - I just want to retrieve my tokens so they show in my trust wallet.
Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance) - All coin/token balances are zero

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


@el_foo You can add the tokens manually if you have the right wallet imported.

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Hi Tobi,

I am unable to upload a screenshot or image but I added the Floki coin to my wallet, two of them, one being on the BNB Smart Chain and the other on Ethereum. Both balances show zero. I checked the transactions for each and it says that there are no transactions for the tokens which is strange because you can clearly see on bscscan that there are multiple transactions. What can I do next to move forward?


@el_foo Does the address match that on the blockchain ?
You may have the wrong wallet imported.