Cardano balance not showing

Tell me please. Why is cardano balance not showing. I wanted to send the transaction was canceled and after that the balance disappeared. What could it be?


Hello @Yura7777
Please try the troubleshoot guide below:


Hello @Tobi

I staked my ADA in TW, but it’s not showing up as staked. If I’m reading it correctly, it’s showing staked in cardanoscan. I tried to unstake but got an error message. The app doesn’t need updating, so I’m about to reboot my device. Any other suggestions? I have screenshots, but I think since I’m new I can’t upload them yet. I’m trying to get my trust level up so I can upload them. Thank you in advance.


@Safenode You need to have a little available amount of cardano to unstake.


How can I upload screenshots? I can’t move out the ADA I just added to my wallet.


I just added more ADA and it’s still showing the same issue. I’ve restarted TW and no change. What am I doing wrong?


@Safenode Please open a support ticket from your Trust wallet app.
To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.


When I’m trying to open a ticket, I can’t get passed the AI chatbot. How can I open a ticket with it keeps going in circles with the same responses? I really appreciate you helping me.

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@Safenode Check the top right corner, there’s a button to submit a ticket.

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I transferred ADA from binance to trust wallet it shows such amount is transferred but cannot regulate balance

@CAPITALx2 Can you explain what you mean by regulate ?

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