Community chat room

Great idea… But I think we already have that feature here…


No puedo enviar mis btc alguien que me ayude por favor.error de transacción marca

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Hope this will be created soon

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Yeah :+1: that is a Good idea


I think it’s okay great idea


A post was split to a new topic: I used my 12 phrase to restore my wallet back and when i did that i couldn’t find any of my coin in it anymore

A post was merged into an existing topic: I used my 12 phrase to restore my wallet back and when i did that i couldn’t find any of my coin in it anymore

2 posts were split to a new topic: I sent bnb to a wrong address

Guys can anyone help me , ı did wrong tag send bnb to binance , ı dont know how to fiil the gaps


I have an Idea
1- why there is no PayPal payment method in the trust wallet, that allows people to buy through PayPal?
2- as you know, many Banks block dealing with Crypto on their Visa cards, which means the holders of these visas can not buy directly from their visas! why there is no system that allow these kinds of visas to pay for their Balance first in the wallet, then from balance can buy crypto?
you can add both methods to let wallet users to buy crypto?

I guess developers should work on it now to issue a new edition of trust wallet.


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Sounds like a good idea. Gotta keep the pressure on them. They still lack in customer service. Why the need for two separate sites? Definitely don’t keep up with all the new coins available on themarket.

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I really like this idea. From my experience, first banks allow me to buy crypto and then the next day i tried to purchase another crypto and then they block the bank which I buyed from . WTH, it’s my money then they don’t want me to my hard earned money.

Hello there
I have a problem transfering my 3 Polka dots from trust wallet to my account in Kucoin. It sends me error no.500
Unable to creat Enum via 76…I don’t know what it means and how to solve it


It is cool, like a telegram. But I think for now telegram chat group is enough

Good idea. Let’s hope this get implemented as soon as possible. But, this medium might not be really orderly. Just saying tho

Please add MIR (BEP20) to the list of tokens to view in wallet. I can see that I have a balance on pankakeswap and my address shows the balance on scan, but TW only has ERC-20 option available to see.

Hello wallet Woneer
how are you?y
My Trust wallet account token hack
$500 minium eth. Bnb. Othrrs token hach. What can do hack? please cheke it

Boa tarde gente onde resolvo fiz um saque da binance eth em fevereiro para trust Wallet até hoje não entrou, acredito que foi a rede,só que até agora o suporte não resolveu

Bonjour, j’ai fait un transfert USDT sur une adresse bitcoin. Comment faire pour le récupérer ?
Merci d’avance de votre aide !

I send Crypto coin to from trustwallet to my metamask wallet 5 days ago. Nothing happens. But de coins are not in my trustwallet anymore…