[Discussion] Get Free Tokens by Staking Syrup with Trust Wallet

Check out the guide here:


How minimum stake & maksimum stake

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More than numerous what you can do on this platform… Thank you :trust:

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I prefer trading myself than staking any coins.

I don’t think there are any limits on how much you can stake.

Yup, it is explained nicely and all that but there are other factors that can easily confuse a noob like me! Fx, I couldn’t connect Trust wallet when given choice between Metamask and Trust wallet…then I tried wallet connect and failed again and reasons behind it happen are not known to me, so I can not make any adjustments in my approach even if I wanted to?!
There should definitely be a more comprehensive guide with some troubleshooting examples and/or how to avoid/overcome those situations when one just give up on staking and conversions because he/she hits a dead end of known possibilities.


Is all good will try staking some

Did u ever figure it out? Im right were u were here and this sux!!!
I feel like a dog chasing its tail…No fun!!!