Error 400 while unstaking BNB

want to unstak my bnb after 7 days I receive this message errer 400 …


Hi @Yanni1,

To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)
  2. BNB wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here)
  3. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)

A post was split to a new topic: Encountered an error while trying to unstake BNB: existing unbonding delegation found code 400

Hey I swap my BNB to smart chain but now it’s showing me 0 balance.
How can I get my BNB back ?

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Hello @Vaibhav7080 To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)

  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here. Also copy and paste it in plain text)

  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)

  4. Further details about your issue (please explain what you were trying to do)

  5. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)

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It’s been more than 12 hours now and still it’s showing me 0 balance.

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I was just swapping my BNB to smart chain to buy a coin on pancake swap. But after swapping it, they showed me 0 balance.

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Send your wallet address and transaction hash in plain text too (copy and paste here).

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This is the transaction hash : 90AB3BB9E86AC2D5C0569F15B454F87F6BD63097A63AFFFF1A6DF0AAB4C08289

And this is my Binance wallet address : bnb1xrfwzlu9c5208lhtn7ywt0mjrhjh4nt4fjyqxy

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@Vaibhav7080 crosschain swap went successfully then you transferred your funds to another address. Here’s transaction:

Do you recognize this transaction?

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No, i didn’t do any transaction.

Because the time i swapped them to smart chain, it showed me 0 balance, then how can i transfer it to some other address.

Can you please tell me what coin is that, or is there any way i can get my bnb back please

Here are the possible reasons:

  1. You shared your 12 words (via phishing, social engineering, etc.);

  2. You saved your 12 words in a very bad place;

  3. Your device is corrupted with malware;

  4. Someone had physical access to your device;

  5. You entered your recovery phrase on a fake/clone app.

  6. You transacted with a malicious DApp.

Unfortunately, confirmed transactions at blockchain are irreversible.

Please read and understand this:

Learn more about how to protect your cryptos and new wallet:

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