Exchanged tokens but they do not show up in my wallet

This transaction hash 0x02376753cb13fcfb1fbcd8cf56185f8f14b380cea4c326ad5f89d630527bf844

@LucasMcCoiny17 what I’m asking is, where did you get PancakeSwap link used for swapping? It seems like you used fake/phishing scam site and your funds were redirected to different address after swapping.

waiting over an hour for my reply to be approved. I don’t think this company wants to help me

I would have gone into the dapps section and tried to change the cryptocurrencies through pancake swap and a couple of other exchanges in there because I was trying to convert to something that was more mainstream and transferable

Hello, Exchanged using pancake swap from smart chain to XRP. Translation shows approved by not showing in wallet.

Hash. 0x280e0882eb49c33353cbab6e50a6f61c8030111775e7fd4dde1a95f772826d1b

Hello @Joekay1 Please try to add it as custom token. Here are the steps that you can do to manually add the token: How to Add a Custom Token

Token details:-
Network: Smart Chain
Contract: 0x1d2f0da169ceb9fc7b3144628db156f3f6c60dbe
Decimals: 18

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I have had the same problem with Raca also. How do we find it in wallet.

Hello, I transferred some Solana currency from my wallet to an exchange office. It is now 10 days, but unfortunately it has not reached the destination exchange office yet. The addresses are correct, and the word “correct” was done on the site and in the wallet.But it has not yet reached the exchange wallet !

Hello @kazemrayane
To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)

  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here)

  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)

  4. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)

I have gone to transaction history in Dapps and there are a few transactions I can view where I used WBNB, like this one (only this in this format)


but I only made approx $500 USD worth of purchased in WBNB. There are a bunch of Pancake swap transactions listed that I can’t see any info on other than a transaction fee.
My Pancake swap says there is no recent transactions in my history, so I don’t know where the rest went.

Done this a lot … any chance of a phone call to help me? Please I don’t know what else to do

A post was split to a new topic: Exchanged BNB with ETHM

Hello. Please help me. I have just exchange token with Erc20 in Uniswap but i did not receive any coins but my ETH is reduced and show completed.
Thank you for your help.
Transaction Hash:

Fail with error ‘UniswapV2Router: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT€’
Contract [0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d](Uniswap V2: Router 2)
Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Reverted]

Hallo saya juga mengalami ini,tadi pagi saya menukar coin BUSD dengan my Shiba academia di pancakeswap namun hingga saat ini coin saya tidak muncul di dompet trustwallet bisa tlong di bantu? 0x42b3af7a29054d81ac004679d9346b58b1bdb2db111a8cf3d5765344c5755ddd

@Queeniele you have to contact Uniswap as it is Uniswap router error not app error.

Hi Alan,
The same thing is happening to me. I transferred bnb to dogo on pancake swap and then tried transferring it to my trust wallet. It’s been 12 hrs and I still don’t see it.


Hello @Jkara22 this is not PancakeSwap transaction for swapping. You transferred your BNB from your wallet to another wallet (bnb1lpg377p5kjayh2yd2qe9gtnke635jeh3w4p6ev)

How would that happen tho if I was just switching bnb to dogo. Can I find out the wallet and get it back or no?

How could that happen if I attached my wallet and swapped bnb to dogo on pancake swap. It connected to trust wallet after to confirm. Is there anyway to reverse the transaction or get the money back to my trust account?

Please be informed that Trust Wallet cannot reverse, cancel, nor refund confirmed transactions in the blockchain.