Fake Balance when restoring the wallet

Hi Jenny,
Binance-Peg is in Trust Wallet. When I swapping the token I mistakenly put Binance-Peg Ethereum instead of Ethereum because they have the exact symbol. I have all that money in this token I need to swap it so I can invest in other token thanks.

Hello @hzam
You can swap the Binance pegged ETH via pancakeswap to BNB

Hi Jenny,

Please send instructions on how to do it. I’ll appreciate it thanks.

Hello @hzam
You can use the DEX tab in your Trust app to make the swap, just find the trading pair for ETH/BNB

Hi Jenny,

This is the message I got. Thanks for your patience your help is greatly appreciated.

Hi Jenny,

Thanks a lot for your help I was able to do it. I have another question do you know how to connect Trust wallet to your personal bank account.

@hzam The trust app is only able to do crypto to crypto transactions. You need to send your crypto to a third party exchanger to cash out.

Please see this guide for some suggestions:

A post was split to a new topic: Some of my airdrop doesn’t reflected

Hi Jenny,
Do you know if I can DEX my BNB for ETH in Trust Wallet thanks.

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Hello @hzam
Yes you can do that for BNB/BEP20 ETH and not ERC20 ETH.
Please note that cross chain swaps are not supported yet (BEP20 to ERC20 or vice versa)

Hi Jenny,
I really appreciate you taking the time to help thanks again.


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