Freemoney: Claim Uniswap tokens $2000 or more

Man, your tokens are worth 8000 US Dollars. Ask a friend to lend you a 500$ and give it back to them after you claim it, simple

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Hi vipul19, I can’t claim the tokens and i don’t know why… can u check if i am correct?
this is my public key 0x5b1bbb8525e280b59d17078d2bd35dffd26d4080

i m very sad today, because i lost all my 400 uni rewards clain. Today I woke up and see my units has broken down, with no previous news from the team. uniswap :dizzy_face: this my wallet anybody can help : 0X9B4EDdE8BBadc03ae3f1722d300b94dbD26432f0