Help on Smart Contract Call - Swap problem

So the address you showed previously was that of the dApp, I imagine :grinning:

So I tried swapping bnb for xrp but had insufficiency involving gas price so I lowered the amount and instead of it doing a swap it did a smart contract call!

I bet this mess up cost me

0x95b9b6f3d15092cb5605c1b039921a28d5ddf148e888e20edaab370f7966a9b5 (hash)

@JuanHunnid You received your XRP already on the BEP20 network.

You can add that manually in your wallet.

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Thank you for your patience with me and your help to clarify I had xrp previously and still in the amount of 151+10 reserved, I made a swap yesterday (aug 9th) for 200+ , it didn’t add it to the wallet I’m still at 151. Instead it’s showing up as a smart contract :frowning: your saying I infact did receive the 200? It’s just on this bep20 network that I’m ignorant to knowing how to transfer it to my wallet? (This is best case scenario for me) haha for I fear I’ve lost it still please confirm and clarify how I transfer the 200 to my Wallet please I appreciate you!

@JuanHunnid I’d assume the 150 XRP you have is on the native XRP chain. The swap you did was to the BEP20 network.
You can use the guide I sent above to add it manually or;
Tap the upper right corner on your main wallet page,
search XRP and toggle on the one with the “BNB Smart Chain” tag.

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Thank you so much Tobi, I really did read the links and swear if it wasn’t for your detailed instructions it would have not clicked for me. I’m guessing I can send the bep20 xrp to the xrp on that network, and it combine them? Or does it not work this way? Your time and investment will not be wasted and not utilized. Bare with me as I may be slow to start but once I pick it up I run off with it :joy:

@JuanHunnid Actually you can’t send directly from the Binance pegged XRP to the Native XRP because they are on different chains.
You can check their receiving address to confirm that as they both have separate format of address.


I also notice under the binance pegged xrp there is no sell or buy option. In this case how would I go about
A. Selling it if (I ever wanted to?)
B. Merging the binance pegged xrp with the native xrp?

Thanks again Master Tobi for showing a”padajuan” the way

@JuanHunnid You can swap the Binance pegged XRP to BEP20 BNB if you want to.

Since there is no route to swap from the Binance pegged XRP to the native XRP, you may need to send out to an exchange like Binance and make the swap there but that is only if you are looking to merge them.

Although I’d point out they’re basically still the same token but just on separate chains so you could very much just hold onto both if you plan to hold a long time.

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In fact I’m so plan on holding long term and I’ll be adding $50 a day until I reach atleast 5k coins how ever I’m a over prepper so when I land on the moon and it’s time to sell how would I execute the pegged? Hop on binance link the wallet and sell the pegged? While I sell the other on trust?

@JuanHunnid You can sell the Binance pegged XRP on your Trust app.
The native XRP, you may need to send that out to an exchange to sell or swap there.

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Okay so on the trust wallet I can not sell or buy the pegged bnc xrp as screenshot below , and when you say trust app you mean the app not the wallet correct? (Thanks for holding my hand walking me thru all this) I’ll be investing another $100 into XRP today

For now since I only have Apple Pay and my cash app card connected and trust wallet is not allowing me to make purchases, my way around it is buy btc on cash app+send it to my trust wallet+ swap it for bnc bitcoin+ then swap that for xrp. Any advise on doing this a different way I’ll be acquiring a formal local bank account Monday to use for future purchases how ever today and tomorrow is at hand.

Thanks again Tobi!

@JuanHunnid You can swap out the pegged XRP to BNB, then sell BNB.

If you recall originally at the start of this thread, you swapped BNB to XRP (which is Binance pegged XRP).

Now since there’s no route to swap into the native XRP on your Trust wallet, you can either choose to buy native XRP directly with a card on your Trust wallet or send from an exchange or another wallet to your Trust wallet.
Please note that;

  • a native XRP address would start with r
  • while the Binance pegged XRP would start with 0x
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I am new to this community. Reaching out to this group to see if I can get any help as I am in kind of desperate help. Not sure if this is the right place to post the topic regarding Contract call. If not please direct me to the right place where I can post my question.

On Nov 15 I could see something called Contract call on my Trust Wallet with a network fee in ETH ($3.33)
I was not aware of this and did not think too much about it.
On Nov 18 I deposited a significantly large amount into my Main Wallet.
On Nov 19 almost the same amount got withdrawan from my main Wallet. When was discussing with the person who sent me the url for dApp on who took the monet. The person said you Wallet has been hacked and the hacker has taken the money.

Again today (just an hour) seeing another transaction happening on my account. The Balance was very less.
Can you kindly help me out with where my money has gone and help me to recover the funds?

Appreciate everyone in this forum. I was not aware such a forum existed.

@vbosco It’s important to note your wallet is compromised and most likely because you connected to a phishing/bad link.
Please stop using the wallet immediately and create a new one.
Also ensure you never click unknown links and protect yourself and your wallet by following good security practices.

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I have had similar problem. Wanted to transfer Etn on base to ETN. I did the swap, but it says it is in smart contract call. Completed…
Have no idea where my tokens are…

Transaction hash 0xca9771f9ec12efcc7946207f5e77e9ab7e90615e6477793bfb6fc5a00d0bc04a

Any help to identify where it went would be appreciated…

@Dalix1978 You made a swap to BNB

Hi admin please help me .
I swap my bnb to doge coin with own Trust wallet system swap and swap is done and completely.but i dont have any doge revive.

Trx hash :


Please help me .

@Ehsanx7 Please check your DOGE address on the blockchain explorer to see if you received or not.


I have swapped my USDT on BSC to Solana within the Trust Wallet android app.
I did not receive it. alos tried to send some solana to the wallet, which was received but did not make the swap happen. I did also activate solana token and some ETH (thought maybe it got swapped to eth by accident), but still cant see it.
Can you check where my swapped coins are now?
According to what I can read from the smart contract log it should be on my solana wallet
but is not.

approve Transaction Hash:

and the swap smart contract is
Transaction Hash: