I didn’t received the Btc that was sent to me

Hello @charlotte420 share a screenshoot of what is wrong exactly with your wallet .

make sure you are using the last version of TW too .

This hash is


El monto que he recibido el 10/10/23 no se ve reflejado en mi billetera

I did not request your hash , please share a screenshoot of What is wrong exactly with your Wallet . Please speak English , I don’t speak Spanish

Well, here it says that I can’t enter a screenshot haha

It tells me I can’t enter screenshots when I want to send you a response.

you should know this…

No I don’t know, try with a computer, I can’t really help you without any screenshot…

Uploading: Captura de Pantalla 2023-10-17 a la(s) 15.57.06.png…
As you will see, here in the screenshot it shows that on 10/10 I have not received any bitcoin transactions

Today I made a transaction to see if the 10/10 transaction was included but I was not successful.

I’m lost, is the full amount correct?? Can you share your btc address here?

Hey look it’s all OK on the blockchain see.


I see nothing wrong.

Claro, aqui te comparto mi direccion de BTC

Sure, but that balance doesn’t appear in my Trust Wallet app
How do I get that 10/10 transaction to appear in my wallet?

I will suspend your forum account, are you trolling with us? You just shared this

It’s the same amount full amount there is nothing wrong with your money . Maybe you can’t see the history but the full amount is here. Please don’t flood the forum.

Hello Tobi

I have a BTC transaction that has not appeared in my Trust Wallet after 24hrs.


Kind Regards


@Monkey2_1969 Please provide the transaction hash

Hello. I bought yesterday BTC via trustwallet.
It shows transaction completed, but i still dont see BTC on my acc.
When i click on history i see that transaction shows copleted bet there is 0$ in my wallet
My BTC wallet -bc1qze6h34y5lk3vetdfu9s2yr552vekvwtxhrxw9c
Hash- f769aa84dd6100b28639358b9c1dd55c1437fb8dbe7943e6d5b735d911d737af

@Galasmasina115 The best way to get support is to open a support ticket from your Trust wallet app.
Before opening a ticket, ensure you have tried troubleshooting the issue yourself first, you can use the chatbot in your settings for common troubleshooting
Settings → Support
Then if you still have the error, open a ticket

To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.

1 Like


i could upload but there is difficulty uploading screenshots to this forum!
Maybe there is some other way to provide screen shot evidence about transaction with which i have problem.

Is that normal practice that using TrusWallet wallet after buying BTC its shows transaction completed but fonds are not available at the wallet balance!?
Bellow i provide my transaction data.

Details about wallet & transaction:
From: bc1qws8yeyfxzykuq7tevwwxezyv3ad99emlyy9uls
To: bc1qze6h34y5lk3vetdfu9s2yr552vekvwtxhrxw9c
Hash: f769aa84dd6100b28639358b9c1dd55c1437fb8dbe7943e6d5b735d911d737af

@k.amon Hello . i have recieve transaction of BTC it shows transaction is competed, but i dont have any funds in my wallet. Trust Wallet shows that BTC network is under congestion. how long the congestion can take? i still wait from 18.february
my btc walllet: bc1qze6h34y5lk3vetdfu9s2yr552vekvwtxhrxw9c
Hash: f769aa84dd6100b28639358b9c1dd55c1437fb8dbe7943e6d5b735d911d737af

@Galasmasina115 There’s no ETA for that, it’s all dependent on the Bitcoin network and not Trust wallet.

hello please help me

my btc = bc1qykscuh84ldvtnsxrykzc7tezwdvz9nfjf3drzm

i have fund i can see in my blockchair and all the explorer

but i cant send though to any wallet even cant swap
as it showing me same that = something went wrong please try again ,been showing me
i dont know whats going on
and in laptop it not showing me btc fund though

@Media2122 The best way to get support is to open a support ticket from your Trust wallet app.
Before opening a ticket, ensure you have tried troubleshooting the issue yourself first, you can use the chatbot in your settings for common troubleshooting
Settings → Support
Then if you still have the error, open a ticket

To reduce response times from customer support, please include the following info in the ticket:

App version, device model, wallet address, TX hash (if available), and the blockchain + assets you’re experiencing the issue with, and any relevant screenshots or videos to duplicate the error.