I didn't receive the BNB transfer from Binance in my Trust Wallet

I have already submitted a ticket to Binance, and it was successfully processed on their end. I also double checked my wallet address and it is correct, as I have a record of previous withdrawals to the same address. Additionally, I also verify the completion of the transfer by checking the BSCScan in my Trust Wallet address.

Trust wallet address: 0xB4a8ad13443B4451c773b73463d86fB9b32AC393
Transaction hash: 0xa159d5a40efcacbf83517131e8154a902c33a1976513f143497585eb48458c1e
Asset: 0.27481058 BNB


@Dranzel08 Your token was received to your address

Yes, it was reflected in BscScan. However, BNB was not added to my Trust Wallet.
I can’t attached the screenshot of my BNB wallet here.

“An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post.”

@Dranzel08 Please follow the troubleshoot guide below:

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I have already follow the troubleshooting guide but unfortunately, it hasn’t resolved my issue

@Dranzel08 Please provide a screenshot of the token

but i can’t post pictures here.

“An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post.”