I Need to Export my Trust Wallet to MetaMask: How Do I Do This?

I set up a Trust wallet to take advantage of a free custom username for Decentraland. The problem is that I now use MetaMask wallet with Decentraland, and I need to export my wallet from Trust into MetaMask, and I cannot figure out how to do this, I have read through the instructions for both MetaMask and Trust wallet and I need some help.

I have tried cutting and pasting my seed phrase when trying to import my Trust wallet to MetaMask and it doesn’t work. Same with the public address. How do I generate my private address using the iPhone app? (MetaMask accepts either a private key or a JSON file.)

Also: can I access my Trust wallet info on a Windows desktop browser?



Just import recovery phrase into your MetaMask.

Just make sure you have logged out from the current MetaMask account. MetaMask will ask for recovery phrase in initial setup.

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i am actully using the meta mask int on the brave browser, but the recovery phrase for my ERC wallet is not working its aking for a JSON or private key!

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How do I close my trust wallet?

You can delete a wallet if that is what you are trying to do.

I need more details about this wallet

You came to the right place. Start on the FAQs and then Basics to learn more about the app.