Missing BNB Crypto


I have a similar issue to what I have seen in recent posts and like others am new user to Trust Wallet.

I was attempting to transfer BNB from Binance to Trust Wallet Smart Chain BNB.
However I forgot to convert to BNB before I completed the transfer and have sent BTC to a BNB Smart Chain Address on my Trust Wallet.
Binance shows the transaction as successfully completed but I cant see the crypto in my Wallet.

Let me know if there is a way for me to find or recover my crypto?

  1. Trust Wallet Version Android 1.29.3
  2. SMart Chain Address: 0xd5E3A837799073b1d8C2d58BCE7838dbDA24fa10
  3. Transaction Hash: 0x9d3c0ac20d04b3314fd23a865b44ad23c35912c7fc48019ba655e263b66c0b5f
  4. I dont have any errors in the wallet - the crypto is just not there

Just resolved my own issue - when I clicked on the transaction hash it showed the coin had been sent to binance-peg BTCB. I searched and enabled this- sorted.

Panic Over

Hi, can someone help. Sent .9 bnb from trust wallet to MetaMask. Transaction was successful just like the last few I did this week but nothing showing up on MetaMask.


Hello @Vushnick there’s 2 options;

  1. Import Metamask phrase/private keys to trust Wallet: Migrate from MetaMask to Trust Wallet
  2. Add BSC custom RPC on Metamask: Use MetaMask For Binance Smart Chain - Binance Chain Docs