Missing BNB swapped from ETH

I have swapped from ETH to BNB and I swapped 1.4 and .01. I hit the bnb wallet in the trust app, then hit swap, flipped the tokens and selected my ETH balance. It’s been over an hour and I don’t have any bnb. I’ve refreshed, reimported, and checked the bnb smartchain and I have no bnb.

Version 10.3 840

Receiving wallet: 0xB9aBbC0Db2D85DA6f5f57b5b6a71c25ee7559afc

Transaction: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x881133fc2232025ebc9f439f863558e8b599f47411438739a2e1cd91502a18e7

I didn’t use any external markets or browsers and I used thorchain as the swap it provided? 3000$ is a lot of money


@Bigbradley The swaps do take a while to be completed, please be patient


I’ve just swapped usdt on eth chain to bnb smart via the swap options on my trust wallet but i haven’t received my bnb ? What do i do


@Irishbhoy1967 The swaps do take a while to be completed, please be patient


Same problem here with BTC to eth, the transaction is also showing up as a transfer now of BTC rather than a swap. Is that normal?


@Tomemb97 Please read my response above; the swaps aren’t instant, they take some time.

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Ok, it can take some time. Is that hours or days? I swapped BNB to ETH about an hour ago in Trust wallet and still don’t see it.

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@MacDandee The swaps take some time, they aren’t instant.

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Did you receive your funds, having the problem here just want to know whether I need to panic or be calm about it haha

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@Layne00016 Please read my message directly above yours


Did you receive funds? How long did it take? I have bnb to eth stuck for hours now! Kindly do provide feedback/ followup so that we can understand?

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@sarcrypt If you swapped in your app, it takes some time to complete as it’s not instant.

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My money in the app suddenly disappeared when I lost the swap in my trust wallet not using the web , at first I saved my bnb and usdt swap from usdt to bnb and until now my money does not go to my wallet

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@arip1402 Can you provide the transaction hash and your receiving address.

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My bnb and usdt disappeared at the same time and to the same address, I don’t know whose address it is, I wanted to swap USDT to BNB, suddenly the transaction failed and my BNB and USDT balances were all lost.


@arip1402 The transaction hash shows you sent USDT and not swapped.

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Yes, that’s right, but I didn’t send to that address. My balance was suddenly deducted

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@arip1402 If you notice an unauthorized transaction on your wallet, then it is most likely compromised and you need to stop using the wallet immediately.
We have no way to identify the person who has access to a specific wallet or address.
Anyone can create a wallet without the need for any user verification.

Trust Wallet does not hold the funds. Everything is on the blockchain.

What this means is that a wallet can be accessed using a different app.

The Trust Wallet team cannot reverse, cancel, or refund confirmed transactions in the blockchain since the app is a non-custodial wallet. All transactions done in the blockchain are permanent.

It is recommended to create a new wallet and abandon the compromised one. Please make sure you downloaded and installed the legitimate Trust Wallet app on official sites, you can check here: https://trustwallet.com/

Learn more:


Hello. I also seem to have almost the same problem with Arip1402. I transferred USDT (BEC-20) to my trust wallet on the BEC network. However, on bscscan, it shows that the coins were changed to BSC-USD, and then immediately after I received the coins in the wallet, they were sent to a different address immediately (hash id for the withdrawal after I received my funds is 0xb6c72d8dc530b4e346f1029a72291a5ebe93f500872c565bab95278338d30adc. Do check what is going on…

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