Missing ETH from Binance

I have the same problem .
Transferred ETH from Binance to trust wallet says transfer succes and shows as completed on Binance , but still no change in funds in wallet .

Version: 5.24

Wallet address: 0xA1e540FC6964adD9b1c85290E32B0a6D9b416cd6

Contract 0xae1795c7859eb655cc519038d5178e6648d1cf7d600584151543da0450e24e26

Can you please help out

Hi @Zawdi you received your ETH BEP20 and transferred out. Here’s transaction: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x57aede53e7edae730a9898ce8582b78d227781a065075a8537c832bc00825bd7