Moonpay And Trust Wallet

Yeah, I am legit watching how most of the crypto has gone up by 30% that i wanted to buy.

Yeah sad isnt it. :disappointed:

i heard from another user (2 hours ago)

That BNB had issues and now they coming back online so they will pay out soon…

Lets hope then

No Idea, Im legit thinking we have to wait the same exact amount we waited, before we get everything. But lets try to be optimistical and hope we get it within 1-2 hours now. So we dont lose that much anymore.

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I come back in two hours from now to see or inspect if i get any. and if i get i will say it aswell.

Bought 200. Couldnt be that hard…

here is some proof fro. Binance Twitter

Well at least it’s something. But I am a bit disappointed in the timing.

Moonpay may be out of bnb so they may have to buy some more however this may take them some time in order for them to be able to buy it,

also moonpay in the afternoon…

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Yeah kind of knew it. Which is why I am a bit pissed off. But it is what it is -.-

I am having an issue with Simplex, MoonPay won’t even show up as a buying option. When I go to check out it says service unavailable on Simplex’s side. Been trying to buy BNB through Trust for over 2 days now but probably going to have to just buy through Binance and transfer to Trust. Super frustrating.

Still nothing !! 3 hours later after 15 hou i what can i say… we miss the boat boys… ffs

Hello I transfer bitcoin from an external wallet to my trust wallet but I am yet to receive it in my trust wallet while it’s successful from my Binance app

same here, transfered bitcoin couple of hours ago from binance to trust wallet, transaction is completed in the blockchain explorer but fund are still at 0 in trust wallet.

It’s been over 12 hours for my btc to be usable. It shows me the transfer and even the money is added to my balance but It doesn’t show where I go to swap it. I’m guessing it’s because of the volume but worried of the value when it does come alive.

Have you come across this error with moonpay?

Sorry, We are unable to locate this TxnHash

Same here. I purchased this morning, and nothing has arrived even though I received the confirmation that it was delivered.

Can someone show me how to get moon pay on trust wallet. I’m having a lot of issues with simplex

I’m having issues with the third party payments with trust wallet. Simplex won’t accept my payments and moon pay never pops up

Can someone help me

A post was split to a new topic: I bought kava and BNB on Moonpay