My balance isnt showing up

***EXPLANATION OF MY ISSUE :- I sent CARDANO(ADA) crypto from my other wallet to my trust wallet address since 7 days ago a sum of 3 ADA AND 2500 ADA totaling 2503 ADA altogether since NOVEMBER 2ND at around 09:05am and 09:21am respectively at my time …After seconds which I sent, both showed under the transaction history and up till this moment it haven’t reflected under the main balance which is strange it’s over MORE THAN 7 DAYS NOW …I’ll write down all informations regarding my wallet down now so you can help me find solution to this immediately pls .Thanks

(i) 2500 ADA


(ii) 3 ADA (248afb36ae435cb756f0f2fe400dba10b5d05a2eafc149e0adef18c251098e10)


Hello @lee1995
Please ensure your app is up to date and also reimport your wallet.
Here’s a guide to help further:

  1. The transaction shows under transaction history and it doesn’t show the wallet address where the funds came from
  2. I checked on the cardano scan it’s in there in my available balance

I really don’t understand what’s going on

@lee1995 Please provide your receiving address so i can have a check


@lee1995 Your tokens are in your wallet

You mostly have an old update of the Trust app.

Hi there,
Same issue I have with receiving ADA on my wallet, I can see the transaction on cardanoscan page but it’s not showing on my wallet :man_facepalming:

Could pls help.

@Kubarex The issue is reported already and will be fixed.