- Trust wallet App version
1.16.18 - Crypto Address (Recepient)
No transaction ID
It’s showing sent on sender account but pending on receiver’s.
No transaction ID
It’s showing sent on sender account but pending on receiver’s.
@Michaelkyng, the solution given to you, have you applied it?
If yes, what was the outcome. Did it solve your problem?
Please, post the outcome, so others with similar matter can also benefit.
Hi. I transferred some nano from Bainance to Wallet but have not received it yet
Hello @Issa1367,
To better assist, please provide us the following information:
My nano account has not been activated yet and no nano currency has come to my wallet
But other currencies have come to my wallet, but the nano currency has been suspended
Please send me the requested details earlier so we can check on our end.
Finally, after three days, Nano currency was received by my Wallet!
So late! This is no good for nano network