PancakeSwap Pending Transaction Issue + Coin swap stuck on approve

Hi, Suddenly today pancakeswap all transactions going to pending state and coin approval stucking as showin on screenshot. Done clearing catch and restarted phone and browser. Its still stuck and unable to swap my coins into BNB to and from. DId anyone managed to fix it? please help. thanks


Found the fix,Hope it will save you time and from stress, Use your chrome browser to go to pancakeswap, then use metamask extension of chrome then import your wallet with seed phrase. Then swap or bloody approve button works.


Is there a fix for this?? I am using trust wallet. The processing and swap buttons are grey out and circle going round saying processing its been 4 hrs now and checked bnb smart chain and has failed transactions

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Hi… i am currently facing the same issue and not able to find a fix after several hours of trying. Could you please explain the process of transferring wallet using seed phrase. is there any transaction fee for importing wallet. appreciate your feedback. Thanks.


Hi… i am currently facing the same issue. Have you got any idea, how to fix this? Please reply ASAP, thx!

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I am now encountering the same problem while trying to approve a LP withdrawal. Is there any fix for this? Been stuck for an hour.

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I have tried to import my Trustwallet BSC wallet to Metamask. It did not work.

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I have the same issue - all transactions are failing eventually after being stuck on pending for ages.

UNABLE TO TRADE AT ALL - kind of defeats the purpose!

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Same here transactions are freeze for approving for like 2 days and still its approving I cannot cancel I cannot refresh I cannot do anything

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Hey guys is there a fix for this?!?! I am currently experiencing the same issues!

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I traded from trust wallet (smart chain) to pancake, got GMR. Added it to my wallet. Now my $$ has disappeared from pancake and trust wallet. What have I done wrong?

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A post was split to a new topic: Bnb transaction pending, not swapped