Problem with transactions and restauration

I recovered my wallet … there are no more transactions … and no coins in my wallet … I followed all the steps correctly … there are no more transactions … what can I do for these coins to defend? is the same wallet,but nothing


A multi coin wallet, or other?

Try checking the addresses on the blockchain to see any transactions, i.e. if your eth is missing, visit etherscan and search the address

Wallets only interact with the blockchain, they do not store your funds


I have a new wallet … for 10 days … I bought several coins, they appeared to be received but did not appear as value in the trust wallet, from the discussions I understood that I have to upgrade it … ok … after reinstalling and re-entering the password … the thing is that the transfers are gone … and it appears like an empty wallet


That’s pretty surprising, are you sure you have the right keys ? Because if truly you have the right keys then your coins should defend but let me ask you a question have turn on backup on your device ?


What are the addresses and coins you are missing?

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sorry to disturbe…for all new user in trust wallet…please,please .be carefull with password…i solve the problem …now it is all right


What is the solution? I have same problem with you. I lose my token after I recovered my wallet. My old phone was broken.

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because I am also at the beginning, I understood that the first password for a wallet must be kept … and saved … I saved it and I had it but when I opened the trusted wallet again I made another wallet … this new wallet has a different password and in fact I used the wrong address … advice … delete this wallet, open one again and enter the address you logged in with the old address and import will appear … yes import … and you will connect to the old wallet … you must have the set of words from the old password


Yes, remember to restore from phrase, don’t create a new wallet


As long as you have your phrase written down from when you setup the wallet on your old phone, just download the app and choose restore from backup phrase

Let me know if you get stuck, but never give anyone that phrase!!!


Maybe my phrase was wrong.


But when I try to import by address I only can see the token, but cannot to send it or make transactions.

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Yes, if you only add an address, you can only view the balances, not interact with the blockchain, you will need the phrase for that


As long as you have the correct phrase for the wallet with your tokens, then they will appear in trust


Thanks bro…wish me luck…:smiley:

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if you can’t send is maybe some reasons

  1. you dont have enough transfer fee
  2. your token locked

You can see the token in the + bar at the upper right part of the wallet. Add it first. type what token did you send and add it.

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Thanks for using MoonPay. Here is your transaction receipt.
Receipt date August 27, 2020

Transaction ID 5677e914-366d-4795-b735-622031e54b4f
Destination wallet address [0x87ea44c1ae045acb5175ed9bc55f1efb6be9f08f]
Transaction hash [0x3aaced7d07a318781ef54b302fcb5fb978f949fbaae5d41205e9650a5c93ffc7]
Payment method Visa •••• 8281
Authorisation code 297435
Item ordered Ethereum (ETH)
Amount 0.3889 ETH
Exchange rate @ USD 385.70327 / ETH
Subtotal USD 150.00
MoonPay Fee USD 5.25
Total Charge USD 155.25

sorry, I tried to send this information from the applications on my phone …I can’t … I’ll switch to a laptop … anyway … this trust wallet is new, and the first time I do it, I don’t changed passwords, that order of words … I bought coins with my bank card … the moonpay confirmation came and I waited for the virtual money to be delivered in trust wallet … so it shows receipt of the transaction and how many coins in the transaction history … but in the trust wallet on the top section there were only **** … and nothing else … I thought it was a delay … that there should be an upgrade … a few days, nothing … I uninstalled trust wallet and reinstalled on my phone, I put back the password, it opened … but now not even the transactions appear …, although I have in the email the details of the transactions …

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Tap at those ****
Then your balance will show up.

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