Qtum to trust Wallet from Binance, missing balance

I recieve successfuly the qtum coin but i can not see it in my balance, btw i can not send you proper screenshots due this error
“Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post”

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A post was split to a new topic: Finding my PBR tokens


Hello @nightspectre, you can try to attach images again.

These are the things you can send:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)
  2. QTUM wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here)
  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)
  4. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)

Thanks for the screenshot @Clapton2264! Took note of it.

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Thanks for providing the details @nightspectre. Relayed this to the dev team. Let’s wait for an update from them.

I have the same issue here
i transferred qtum to my trust wallet account and Its received in it but it’s haven’t been shown in my assets yet?
what can I do?

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Hi @salyever, thanks for reporting.

Please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)
  2. QTUM wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here)
  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)
  4. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)
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Thanks for these screenshots, @salyever. Relayed this one as well.

Let’s all wait for them to give us some updates.

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@salyever, @nightspectre , @Shabnam, and @Clapton2264 (even if you tried it already), please try to use a VPN then refresh the balance. Check if it reflects the correct balance or not.

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OMG :grinning:. It was okay. I love Trust Wallet :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:. Thanks!


Unfortunately not yet .I cant see my Qutm balance :slightly_frowning_face:

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I use vpn by german ip and now its okey and i can see my qtum asset, thank you
Problem solved :heart:


Glad to know that @Shabnam and @nightspectre!
What VPN did you use? Perhaps, we can recommend it to @Clapton2264

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I faced this issue too, I also removed the wallet and restore it but the problem is still existing,
Please let me know what should I do in advance,
I also created support ticket and sent screenshot from my wallet but I have not been informed about the result ,I can’t upload photo here.

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Hi @Meysam_s_h_22,

You should be able to upload screenshots. Try again to send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)
  2. QTUM wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here)
  3. Transaction hash or link
  4. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)
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