No need to spam on multiple threads. We will be happy to assist. Just provide more details about your issue:
To better assist, can you provide us the following information:
Trust Wallet app version
Crypto address
Transaction ID (if you have any)
Details about your issue
Screenshots of the wallet (errors, if any)
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Crypto transfer is irrevocable. What gone is gone.
My friend transferred ethereum from her wallet to mine that was 0.03 she had 0.15 but it has reduced to 0.08 and there is nothing on the transaction history where that transfer went, how can we recover the coins?
To better assist, can you provide us the following information:
Trust Wallet app version
Crypto address
Transaction ID (if you have any)
Details about your issue
Screenshots of the wallet (errors, if any)
Trust Wallet app version
Crypto address
Transaction ID (if you have any)
Details about your issue
Screenshots of the wallet (errors, if any)
For support always provide
Trust Wallet app version
Crypto address
Transaction ID (if you have any)
Details about your issue
Screenshots of the wallet (errors, if any)
so that admin/ moderator can help you.
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