Sent LTC to Bnb address

Hi everyone, I am new here and I can’t create a new topic for now. I have a huge problem, maybe someone could help me. Two weeks ago, I sent Ltc from binance to trustwallet’s BNB adress, I submited a few requests to support and I got no answer. For the case to become even worser, while I was researching about this I got phished and all my asset on trustwallet got stolen. I would appriciate if someone could tell me how I could retrieve that LTC, it’s all I have now :slight_smile: ? Thank you

To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)

  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here. Also copy and paste it in plain text)

  3. Transaction hash or link (if you have any, please copy and paste)

  4. Further details about your issue (please explain what you were trying to do)

  5. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)

adress: bnb1q07p5q7pncgm4zg9u6gxm6jcx8jye9hyvj89cf Tx1BC1EFCB0D88665500DB2F0EF2C6165714F5DB2868EC9CA9F9688791FFED551C More details: I’ve sent ltc from binance to trustwallet’s BNB address two weeks ago, I would like to retrieve it if it’s possible. In meantime, while I was searching for help I got phished by some fake customer support and all my other coins were stolen. I would like to know if I couls at least retrieve that LTC.

Sorry to hear about your recent experience. Please, take your time to answer the following questions:-

  1. Did you talked with a scammer on Telegram, Twitter, others?

  2. Did you share your Recovery Phrase with anyone?

  3. Did you filled up an online form? Can you share the link?

  4. How do you store your Recovery Phrase? Online or offline backup?

  5. Was your device compromised with spyware or virus?

Yes, I got phished by some fake customer support. But, is there anything I could do for that LTC, maybe I could it retrieve it if it’s not stolen also?

Unfortunately, confirmed transactions at blockchain are irreversible.

Please read and understand this:

Learn more about how to protect your cryptos and new wallet:

I’ve deleted old wallet and created a new one. I have a question, maybe you could help me because I can’t post. I am going to travel for the next few months due to job. Is trustwallet location sensative, I want to continue with trading but I don’t want for my wallet to get blocked? Any advice how I can use trustwallet while travelling?

@luka93 Trust wallet is decentralized non-custodial wallet, that means, no limitations on your assets… you can access your funds anywhere and anytime. However, there’s some countries that blocked sites that associated with cryptocurrency, you can use VPN to bypass the restrictions.

How I could know or where to check which countries have restrictions? Do you know does Malta and Italy have restrictions?