Smart contract exchange

I could use some help as. I swapped my XRP bep20 for BNB within the Trust Wallet DEX. I reviewed the hash and it says successful. I also noticed it went through pancake. I haven’t received my BNB and it’s been over an 3 hours.

I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do.


When swapping tokens for the first time, you have to approve it first to be spendable. And, that is what you did just now.

Since you are done approving the token, you need to enter the amount that you want to exchange then press the swap button.

All in all, you will confirm two transactions: approve and swap

I bought Dogelon twice 2 days ago using a BEP20 contract address instead of ERC20 contract address.

The transaction was successful but my wallet hasn’t been credited yet.

Here are the details of the transaction :

Transaction Hash of first transaction:


Transaction harsh of second transaction:


Wallet receive ID:


How can it be resolved?

Please try to add it as custom token. Here are the steps that you can do to manually add the token: How to Add a Custom Token

Token details:
Network: Smart Chain
Contract: 0xdff73caea9f1efd31df4bf0d53b3276e66573b54
Decimals: 9

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Hey there can you help me out also i did a smart contract call and cant seem to find the right token I’m supposed to import

Transaction hash of transactions:





Wallet receive id:


@lazygenius I’m not sure I understand what you mean, if you’re trying to add a token manually, here’s a guide: