Smart contracts

I have smart contracts with my current Ether address which is compromised. Is there a way to change the forsage smart contract ether address

Change to a new address or keep losing your ETH on the compromised wallet.


How can we help you today?
I just see a normal ETH transfer with this transaction ID.

o better assist, can you provide us the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version
  2. Crypto address
  3. Details about your issue
  4. Screenshots of the wallet (errors, if any)

I also have an ETH wallet on TrustWallet, linked to a smart contract, from which I receive automatic earnings. I have never exposed my private key , I Printed it and I keep it safe, erasing it from electronic devices, but tonight someone managed to enter my wallet and move all the funds.
they weren’t a lot, in fact i’m not worried about that, as much as the fact that this account is linked to the smart contract system and i can’t change it. so the hacker will continue to be able to move ETH on his wallets each earn I receive.
We both have access to the same wallet now.

Isn’t there a way to confirm the send transactions via 2-Factor authentication ? or any way to prevent him from moving the coins from the wallet?

Trust Wallet app version
3.1 (63)

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Please read this:

Ok thanks zachzwei, I read your link, but , even if I delete my trust wallet account, the hacker still have access to that, because he get (I suppose) the private key. Right ? So , why I should delete my trustwallet account?

Yes, you are right. Even if you delete the wallet, the hacker still has access to the compromised one.
We suggest deleting the compromised wallet so that you wont accidentally use it.

Hi Sir.

Can you please help me? I was a victim of scammers all the ETH that i have on my trust wallet was stolen. Is there a way for me to recover it?

There is no way to recover lost funds.
Read on:

Can I link Php with smart contract and also I need my private key which is not on my trust wallet

You can get the Private Key by following this guide:

I do not quite understand what you meant by link Php with smart contract.

Hi, I was scammed and now my wallet no longer shows the four quadrants at the bottom Centre of the screen thus making it impossible to access my smart contracts or even create a new one. Kindly assist.

We had to remove the DApp browser in order to comply with the AppStore guidelines. We have provided some alternatives to access DApps.
Learn more here: Trust Wallet removed DApp browser to comply with Apple App Store guidelines

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Thanks a lot, I got So confused. So it means I can no longer access the smart contract from my iOS device.

Hola hice una transferencia de Ethereum y baje mucho el fee y está Dropped… Que hago ??

There are recommendations on the link provided on how to access DApps.

How was that? Same scenario here , if we delete our wallet , how will we recieve our earnings from forsage? Seems that my 1st wallet is my 1st act & still continuing to recieve earnings from forsage.

This is the same q.r code that always getting my earnings

Can we do somthing about this. Im expecting to much of this app.tnx admin please help

Your ETH address will continue receiving even if it is not imported to the app.
It is on the ETH network.
The app is just a bridge that lets you access your ETH address on the ETH network.