Swap from BNB to BNB smartchain, but value is missing

Same for me, pleas help :confused:
0.18 BNB swap to smartchain BNB?And now just 0 BNB and 0 smartchain BNB

i did swap bna to bna smart but value not added in to my wallet can i any one explain

same here also my account show up empty. not sure what to do know but getting quite nervous

Minus the transaction fee really wtf . So what about fee they will return to us ?

same thing :happen to me, can you help us?? what should I do? why should ı write 70 character on this post

Same problem, pleas help :confused: more than 100$ in game, thx for your help.

I’m having this problem, trying to swap BNB for smartcoin - and it is rejecting it after like an hour… you know what wasn’t rejected? the FEE - you got me twice on a FEE - i feel owed my fees since the service was not provided.

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Mines been missing for an hour now has anyone gotten a response on anything at all?

Same problem with me, swapped bnb to smart chain and no funds are showing :frowning:

Sale issue here, BNB Disappeared after the swap !
Done since 2h an nothing

I’m having the same exact issue!! Trust wallet please help!! Swapped my bnb for smart chain and I still haven’t seen my bsc yet. For the past hour

Can we get some help because i’m really worried now, Has anyone got their money back recently?


I’m having the same exact issue!! Trust wallet please help!! Swapped my bnb for smart chain and I still haven’t seen my bsc yet. For the past hour

Got mine back after over and hour, minus fees. Tried a very small amount again. Same issue. When someone makes a successful swap please report. I hopewe all get back everything.

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I’m having the same exact issue!! Trust wallet please help!! Swapped my bnb for smart chain and I still haven’t seen my bsc yet. For the past hour Please help!!


I have received back my BNB. Apparently i paid the fee even if the swap didn’t go through but, at least, i didn’t lose my coins.
Shall I try again? Is it working now?

Same here with me. Swapped bnb to smart chain and abracadabra, it’s gone! It’s been about 2 hrs now and nothing. A little worried until I found this thread. Still worried though. Heeeelp

I’m new to this and its scary when your money disappers on ya, mine came back as bnb with fee and then some missing but at least its back

I am having the same problem, I swapped my bnb to smart chain and all my money is currently gone.

Hey I moved some bnb from binance to trust wallet. Tried to swap most of them except fee to bnb smart chain. Took fee didn’t move any. Then tried moving 50 percent took 50 percent an fee but didn’t convert any to bnb smart chain. I’m trying to convert to use them in pancake. Any info would be great