Transferred USDT via Ethereum (ETH) ERC20

Good afternoon, I transferred from binance 615 Tether USD (USDT) to Trust Wallet
Address: 0x56677925D3f510aAb32Ddb663657DA64A2e6Db19
Transaction Hash: 0x55ff209b5a6f655ddfa03de6c733eccc423703230d1eb6693c177165d502ac01
Using the ERC-20 network. This transaction is not displayed in Trust Wallet. Help get my USDT back

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Hi Kozak,

Please see the successful transactionHere

Your funds are safe and are in your wallet. They are just not being displayed in your wallet now. Please use this option to enable display.

How to Add a Custom Token

Hi I send from trust tether bep 20 to coinbase erc 20 I don’t recibe the tether because coinbase don’t use bep 20 I loose my money?

Hello @Darem From what I know, Coinbase does not support BEP20 assets.
Please contact the customer support of Coinbase so they can assist you with the deposit issue. If they are not willing to recover the crypto or credit your account, then, unfortunately, you may consider it as lost. Please be careful next time and triple-check before transacting.

0x9e2da9647740affc7c2ec63d6826918784ec244f5bd51c662da810d3c55c6b88 This is the transaccion hash

I speak with coinbase they don’t help me with binance to they them mi to speck with coinbase because the wallet it from coinbase … nobody help

@Ovi1234 as I told you above, we have nothing to do from our side. Transaction can’t be reversed, your only hope is Coinbase.

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