Uniswap to buy Ethereum Meta (ETHM)

Hello Alan, I have the same issue when using Uniswap to buy Ethereum Meta (ETHM). Can you please help!
App Version 6.12(6129)
Wallet address: 0xbAE7e14feccecfc9B5B3c43e60A9D33E446a372f
Transaction Hash:
I can’t upload picture here!

Hello @knguyen85 To better assist, please send the following information:

  1. Trust Wallet app version (open the app, go to the settings of the app and press “About”, take a screenshot, and attach it here)

  2. Crypto wallet address (press the receive icon near the send button, take a screenshot of the QR code, and attach it here.)

  3. Further details about your issue (please explain what you were trying to do)

  4. Screenshots of the wallet (including errors or missing balance)

Hello @Alan47!
Thank you for getting back to me! Here is the information needed.

  1. App Version 6.12 (6129)
  2. Crypto Wallet Address:
  3. I was trying to buy some Ethereum Meta (ETHM) by following the instruction from their website https://ethermeta.com. I used Uniswap, connect it to my TrustWallet, and swap ETH for ETHM. I did it twice here are the TxHash link:
    Transaction Hash 1:
    Transaction Hash 2:
    Here is my transaction history from ETH wallet:
    From the network, I’m able to see they sent the ETHM to the correct address, and I can see my ETHM token balance, as the picture below shows. But I am not able to see from the TrustWallet app.
  4. Screenshots of the wallet: you can see the ETHM is 0

    Please Help!!
    Thank you very much!

, Please try to add it as custom token. Here are the steps that you can do to manually add the token: How to Add a Custom Token

Token details:-
Contract: 0xfd957f21bd95e723645c07c48a2d8acb8ffb3794
Decimals: 18

Hallo I had the same Problem
Use Customer Token and paste this adress


Thank you very much @Alan47! ETHM is shown in my wallet now. :pray:
I have added the Token prior to purchasing the tokens. Not sure why it didn’t work. Thank you again!!